Saturday, 31 December 2011

No. 8.

Auld Lang Syne roughly translates as 'old time since', 'days gone by' or 'long long ago'.

Incidentally, contrary to popular belief, the song is not written by Robert Burns.

(Source: Trivia website. Verified by Wikipedia. Latter fact explored on QI.)

Friday, 30 December 2011

No. 7.

The phrase 'pool your money' comes from a French game in which you chuck stones at a chicken.

Each player would put their money in a pile before taking turns to attempt to hit the bird. Whoever got it first won all the cash. The French for chicken is, of course, 'poulet'.

(Source: The Etymologicon by Mark Forsyth. Heard on Radio 4's Book of the Week.)

Thursday, 29 December 2011

No. 6.

If you slice pizza before you cook it, it is much easier to wash the cutter.

(Source: personal experience.)

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

No. 5.

In the USA, Cluedo suspect Reverend Green becomes Mr. Green. The change was made to avoid people taking offence at the idea that a parson would be involved in a murder.

(Source: Own knowledge backed up with Wikipedia.)

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

No. 4.

Ping Pong was originally played with cigar cases and Champagne corks.

(Source: Radio 4's exquisite panel show The Unbelievable Truth.)

Monday, 26 December 2011

No. 3.

Drew Barrymore wrote her autobiography Little Girl Lost when she was just fifteen.

(Source: Marks and Spencer trivia game Who Am I.)

Sunday, 25 December 2011

No. 2.

The correct response to Irish pleasantry 'Top of the morning to you' is 'and the rest of the day to yourself'.

(Source: Quiz in magazine The Week.)

Saturday, 24 December 2011

No. 1.

Chips dipped in vanilla ice cream are surprisingly tasty. Try it.

(Source: Own experimentation.)

Does what it says on the tin.

This blog doesn't aspire to much. It won't change your faith. It won't prompt an uprising. At most, it will convince you to try chips dipped in vanilla ice cream. That's all I can hope.

Come back here daily for something I've gleaned from life. It might be a cooking tip or something mindblowingly obvious along the lines of don't scare a porcupine. Whatever. You get what you pay for.